October 16, 2012

Balthazar Restaurant, NY

Closing our NY 2012 Special with a trendy restaurant: Balthazar!

Frequented by celebrities, this restaurant is a truly delight! Not only because, upon entering the place, it looks like you're at some bistro in Paris, but also - and most important - the food and service are wonderful!
After several failed attempts to make a reservation (always packed - book it early!), we finally got to know this restaurant, well recommended by several friends.

We started our dinner with ceviche and a goat cheese quiche.

Then, the main dishes: I ordered an amazing duck on a bed of mushrooms (the best duck I've ever had!), steak frites, lamb and fish.

And, of course, we also ordered dessert: chocolate cream, apple pie and banana cream pie.

As you can see, this trip was filled with amazing restaurants like The Spotted Pig, The National and Balthazar.
All of them a little bit more expensive than the average restaurants (at least for the American standard) but if you have extra money and enjoy good food, these restaurants are perfect and well worth it (and don't forget those already mentioned here and not as expensive such as Burger Joint and Pastis). And I can not forget to thank my in-laws for providing us such delicious moments!

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