May 05, 2013

This week's DELIGHT: Homemade Granola

Tomorrow is Monday, also internationally known as "starting-a-diet day", so I will end the weekend with a healthy recipe: homemade granola!

I was interested in making a homemade recipe for quite some time because I wanted to have a little more control over the ingredients. When we bought granola at the grocery stores, usually the best ones (in taste)  are always packed with sugar and, those healthy ones have some grains I'm not too fond of.
Anyway, hubby who only eats one type of granola, from one certain brand, from one certain grocery store, loved it!
And the cool thing is that you can change the ingredients whenever you want and have a different version each and every time (of course I didn't have all the ingredients at home, so I made my own!)
Check here this and other recipes.

Have a nice week you all!

May 02, 2013

San Francisco, CA

Hello, hello! It's been over a month since the last time I was here, but the last few weeks have been pretty intense! Fortunately I could get to travel a lot as well and go back to one of my favorite cities: San Francisco. Are you ready for another trip?

It all started with a road trip of about 350 miles. We left LA on Friday morning and opted to take PCH so we could have a perfect view of the California coast.
The trip is beautiful and you can stop anytime to admire the view but it definitely takes longer than a "regular" freeway (it took us about 8 hours).

We arrived at night and went to Pizzeria Delfina.

We had to face almost one hour of waiting - in the cold! The place is super cool, small, with a young and trendy crowd and the pizzas are really delicious!

On the next day we did a cultural tour: we visit the Schulz Museum to learn a little bit more about Snoopy and Charlie Brown ;)

And we went to the de Young Museum to see The Girl with the Pearl Earring! (beautiful!)

The museum is really nice, its gardens are beautiful and the restaurant is very good!

After that, we had to stop at Miette so I could finally "meet her".

The shop is super charming and the sweets/cakes are delicious. To be honest, I had already tested several recipes from her book (they are super laborious) and hadn't found anything extraordinary. I thought it was me, but after trying her version, I made up my mind: there is nothing special about them. But it was worth the visit and I satisfied my late-afternoon sweet craving anyway!

Then, a a quick drive by the Fisherman's Wharf...

And some more charming steep streets...

As we were feeling beaten up by SF (in a good way!) and the next day we had to drive back to LA, we decided to do something I love when I'm staying in a hotel: pic-nic in the room!

And that was it! A weekend in SF.
Whenever I get the chance to visit the city, I am more in love with it and its "almost" perfect blend between New York and Los Angeles (and I say almost because of the weather, oh my... Do we need all that wind and low temperature every time!?)